So I started living here I guess...
Yesterday afternoon I decided to walk into town, not really even knowing how far it was, just that it was walkable. Note: by "town" I mean the village of Gumusluk, full of beach side restaurants and tourists.
So after walking about 20 minutes, I pass by a car parked with some middle aged men standing around. I actually remembered them from earlier in the day, because they had witnessed my first leap into the Agean Sea. So they said "Town? Town?" and waved me into their car, and I went with them, figured "why not?" Turned out to be only about a thirty second drive to town, but they dropped me off and went on their way.
I was literally wandering around looking for somewhere to buy a new pre-paid card for my cell phone, and I passed by three girls who were publicizing a concert.
"Hello! Do you want to go to a concert?"
I stopped and came back... "What kind of music?"
"Rock Music! Do you like rock music? Do you want to go to a rock concert?"
I got some info but told them I didn't have a car... to which they responded, "you can come with us!" Uhhhhhhh. YES?! I got a phone card, made some calls, wandered, and came back to ride with them.
We took a mini bus a short ways to a place in the hills called Gumusluk Academy, which apparently rents rooms to artists and writers to stay and work. Turns out the concert was a benefit for an organization trying to keep the ancient city of Myndos (which Gumusluk is built over) to be bought and privatized by some rich guy. The band was apparently really popular in Turkey in the 80's.

So I got drunk and smoked a lot of cigarettes and hung out with the staff of this place. Then I went to a crazy rock show through which the crazy drunk turks sang along and snuck Red Label shots (my kind of girls). It was awesome. I got a ride back home pretty soon after the concert, because I'd missed the last mini bus and had to take what I could get. Most of the people I met aren't sticking around long, so no real friends made, but I can totally do this.