Right now is the first time I have ventured out of my home in 2 days. I woke up at 5 am yesterday morning to experience one of the most painful vomitting experiences of my life. I slept through Wednesday almost entirely, only waking up a few tmes to notice what extreme pain and discomfort i was in and wonder at what point a person is supposed to go to the hospital. i could barely even sit up on my own. but when i woke up at 9 at night i was a little bit "better" and even managed to eat crackers and juice, so i took it as a good sig and just went back to bed. i slept through most of today as well, and at 4 in the afternoon woke up feeling almost functional and decided to try to move. so i came down to this internet cafe. i'll admit i'm a little dizzy and the stuck shift keys were taking too much effort so i completely gave up on them, but i hope ill be doing alright by tomorrow.
when i walked into the center on monday, everyone was wearing face masks. they told me that two of the kids had gone to the hospital, and half of them had the flu, but no one looked that bad, and when i went on tuesday lots of people weren't wearing masks, and everyone said i didn't need one. chances are, i got it. oh well.
it's an odd, shitty, thing being sick alone. my roommate was kind enough to buy crackers and juice, but wasn't exactly there for me, nor did i want her to be. but we do, when we are at our most pathetic and ugly, really need other people. i wanted someone to sit on the bed til i fell asleep, someone to help me to the bathroom, somone to go buy me a personal dvd player and dvds (extravegant? nah), even someone to talk to. i gave myself headaches texting people when i was awake because i so badly wanted to be acknowledged in my misery. i think its survival instincts. like if none of the other cave people are around and know you are miserable, they won't notice when you die.