So my roommate left, which I'm more than okay with. And i still made her pay the full amount she was supposed to, and I'm okay with that too. (for those keeping track i'm spending about 200 US dollars on a giant one bedroom apartment for6 weeks) anyways, we decided to have a dinner party last night. Flor (austrian) made delicious pasta stuff, Joanna (Westpoint) brought cake and vodka (bless her soul), and James (english) made Yorkshire pudding. Up until this point in my life I have only hold stories of the bland english food, and its all together nothingness, but he seemed confident Yorkshire pudding was delicious so we went with it. First of all, he didn't follow directions the first time, so I had to help him make it AgAIN... boys are dumb.
When it was finished it didn't look half bad, and I was willing to put it in my mouth. It tasted.... fine. Apparently it tasted very similar to how it was supposed to, like breadish french toastish pancake-ish stuff. Flor, Joanna, and I all agreed he had clearly forgotten the sugar, but he claimed it was "savory" not sweet. Although I always thought savory meant rich in flavor, which this was not. In an act reminiscent of the Boston tea Party, i quickly brought forth my strawberry jam. when jam was added, Yorkshire pudding was declared delicious by the non-brits, and James declared he hated us all and would never cook again. I think the jam was probably worth it.
pics soon. promise.