I’ve mentioned that people here are reminding me of the true definition of “welcoming.” As a great example, Janna, the director of the Earthchild Project planned a big camping trip for her 30th birthday (among other events) and not only invited me after only knowing me 3 weeks, but found me rides and mattresses and tents and all the necessities. So I spent last weekend camping at Beaverlac!
A short walk from the campsite are all these natural pools along a river. There are big flat rocks to lay on and climb about on (I got semi-stuck during some of my personal adventures on these rocks, but I enjoy problem solving, so its okay). There are “fufi slides,” which in context are just flat rocks you can slide on, lots of places to jump from, waterfalls to enjoy, and hikes. Honestly, I spent too much time eating and laying in the sun to worry about that last one. Anyways, here’s a couple pics so you can all be jealous of me and my cool African friends playing in a river.
As a side note, there are lots of Jews in South Africa. I had no idea! It never even occurred to me that Jewish people would have made their way to the bottom of Africa… but they did. In droves! Most of my friends here are Jewish. Its also interesting because there is a lot of pride and camaraderie in their Jewishness, even though most of them practice more meditation, yoga, and other hippie spiritual activities far more than I’ve ever seen them practice anything Jewish. BUT South Africans are very interested in where you come from. You’re clan, your race, your history. I think the Jewish pride I’m experiencing is another manifestation of this cultural tendency that isn’t such a big deal in America, where most of us consider ourselves Americans first and our other backgrounds distant seconds.
All my love!
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