Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So I've been sleeping naked a lot lately. I feel like its an exercise in totally and fully being comfortable with myself. I'm about to embark on a trip where all I've got is myself, and I want to know every inch of me before I go. Be perfectly confident in it. I like how soft my skin is. I am amazed at the way my body regulates its own temperature. God, I love my breasts and the shapes they make on my chest when I wake up in the morning with the blankets disheveled. They are totally perfect. They are smaller than they were two years ago, and I miss the old ones, but the new ones are pretty cool too. I like the way my cats face feels on my shoulder. Sometimes he isn't touching my skin and I'll go out of my way to throw my arm under him, connecting our warms (yup, warms).

When I used to sleep naked (okay, sometimes by way of "passing out") I would wake up a few hours later feeling exposed and throw on a t-shirt or underwear to fix it. Haven't had those moments lately. Its good. Don't like them.

I should also mention I live on the ground floor with giant sliding glass doors for windows. And I leave the blinds open so I can wake up to the woods and birds and squirrels. But last week I totally woke up to a utility worker walking around in my back yard. I was definitely naked. Oh well.

Monday, July 6, 2009

before me....

Before me lies the edge of the world. I am on my way there running.

-from a papago song