Monday, September 6, 2010

Out in the world again.

Well after a long stint of time spent lounging around Lawrence, KS I'm crossing oceans again.

I'm currently living in Haenerstburg, South Africa. Stop before you picture me living in a hut and eating bananas off a tree in my backyard. This is more like some tiny town in rural Eastern Europe. I'm surrounded by pine trees, due to the long standing lumber industry here, and white people who speak english. I'll be working with black africans and helping to set up some community centers in areas that are more the dark continent you might normally picture, but I've yet to start on that work (tomorrow, fingers crossed). As for now, the biggest change for me has been remembering to drive on the left side of the road.

Ill write more soon, of course. MWAH!!


  1. yay! you're safe and off to a good start! love you!


  2. Hej, Hej, Sweetie pie,
    Thinking about you a lot lately and wisihng you success and fulfillment and fun.
    love Mom
